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Version v2.8 is Live! Discover Cool New Features to Make Your Wishes Come True

WisherAI Release v2_8

  1. 🚀💲📈 New Feature: WisherAI Price Monitor lets you track price changes for your saved wishes across various websites.

  2. 🚀⚙️ 📈Added a chart where you can see price changes for any saved wish.

  3. 🚀🔔 Wish Notification Section: New features allow you to set up your preferred price tracking rules.

  4. 🚀🎁 New gallery of images for wishes without photos.

  5. 🚀🏷️ The database of coupons has grown. Updated UX for the "Favourite Stores" and "My Preferences" sections.

  6. 🔧⚙️ New UI for updating the level of desire—this can now be done without editing the wish.

  7. 🔧⚙️ Fixed an issue with the “jumping” list on the "All Wishes" screen.

  8. 🔧⚙️ Enhanced stability and UI/UX; minor bugs have been fixed.

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Download the app now!

We usually browse online stores just for fun or to buy later. The Wisher app will be your great assistant in this joyful activity.

Mobile app available on App Store and Google Play.

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